Saturday, September 26, 2009

The most cherished Gift ...

This is one was long pending ...

few months back , someone asked me what could be considered as the most cherished gift of god or whats the most important part of human life ..
I thought for a while , and my answer was memories and emotions.

Truely enough when I thought more about it the more convinced I was.

Our everyday activities are goverened by what we have learnt in our past life. When we feel good about something , its coz its related to some good incident of out life , some times we just laugh remembering our college/school life ...

Our attachment with our loved ones, the feelings of love and hate , our knowledge , our feeling of satisfaction and regrets are all governed by memories , memories of all the times we have lived , they make string impact on our day to day life.

Just imagining , that if we loose even some part of our memories that we cherish will make life more and more meaning less ...

It also means that if we can manipulate our memories, remembering only the good times and forgetting the painful ones , lefe would seem lot different.

The next on line was emotions , everybody has them , some for family , some for work , some for something else. Everybody feels strongly about something or the other which make them do anything for that thing. Loosing that thing makes us as if the sole purpose of life is over ...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The year that passed away ...

7th july 2008 ,

The day we were all destined to join our job life ...
To put a feet into a large ocean full of opportunities , surprises and
mischievious adventure ...

I say lots has changed in one year , yet lots is same ...
This one is all about this ...

There has been lots experiments with lifestyle in the past 1 year ...

Irregular sleeping patterns , Experiments with different sleeping times from 09 PM - 05 AM to 02 AM - 10 AM .. all has been tried ... with different theories justifying all at diff. points of time ... :)

Different breakfasts ...

Firstly , we(me and my flatmate Nitesh gupta) used to do breakfast in office , then
We started having Milk and bread at home ...
then , we started to have juice in the morning (Once we joined the GYM)
then , after gym was over , juice ne saath chchod diya , we switched to corn flakes,
then we started making sandwiches at home .. bread , jam ,sause , butter and sometimes cheese ..
then bored with them , we started to have fruits in the breakfast , ..
Few days felt good .. But ,then this too started to feel ok types .
Now, we have started to have oat with milk and fruits in the morning ...
Lets see what comes next ... ;)

Something extra ...

Going to office and coming back .. started to feel little monotonous to us ...
So , we decided to add up some spice to life ..
indulging in some or the other acivity .. learning new things . every now and then ...
First of all , in the beginning I re-started my sketching , but then bored with this ...
we planned to start something else ...
First came gyming ... With mixed enthu of both of us .. some time and other me driving us to the gym ... 3 months fee advance dene se .. we ensured that we will atleast we will go for three months .. .(as is the case , both of us are baniya .. :))
Then , three months over , what next .. to continue or not ...
nah .. we wanted something different again ...
So , we picked up guitar ... going fine till now ... one more month to go ...
then do we plan to continue .. even we dont know .. only time will tell ...
At the back of head , there are plans of going for dance ... may be salsa .. but w/o a partner .. nt feasable .. so only time can tell ... :)

Different things @ home ..

When I had just shifted to noida .. my parents suggested me to buy kitch gas and all the related stuff ... But, as was the case , just out of hostel life .. laga ki nahi yaar .. litchen gas and me ... uhhhh .. to much ...
I didnt take .. unhone kaha fridge , TV le lo .. I thought wat a wastage ..
So I took only the basics .. Bed and almirah ... and cooler was the realiable one I bough in a bargain from senior in 400 bucks ...

Utensils we thought we wont need ...
Kamre ki safai .. we thought ki hostel mein bhi kaam chalta tha .. chal jaayega ...

But as time went by .. things started to change .. and with that my ways of looking at things too ...
Starting with kaam wali bai .. then clothes iron, table , extra bedding for guests, then kitchn gas , Fridge , Books stand , hand blender ... kuch na kuch aata raha ...
and ask me if Had ever thought of cooking in job life while in noida ...
I was cooking Daliya in kitchen today ... haha ....

So , the things the elders say earl are the ones that i have learned by experimetation and at a point when I felt the absolute need of it .. thereby justifying th need of it ..
All the wisdom talk is known but , its better learnt first hand ... :)

I dont know what people might feel about this .. but i get fun out of trying different things ...

These and many more had been some of our experiments and learning times ...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rules of The Road ...

After buying the car , since last three weeks am gng home in car and returning ..
and teaching my father and sister how to drive on weekends,

In these days, while coming and gng to karnal through NH1 , G.T.Road ...
I have often been wondering about rules of the road ...
Dont get confused or worried , I know all the written rules .. I am just talking abt the unwritten one's ...

As it happens ..
Everytime i go on that root .. there are more than 3 -4 trucks tilted, may the night before ...
May be the driver was drunk or whatever ...
Small cars badly smashed by some heavy weight vehicle. ...
Dead dogs and other small animals ...
Cars speeding at 120 or kph rushing .. as if they are all very busy and cant spare 5 more mins when it can avoid unnecssary risk to their and others life.
Even the bike riders are not less.. they also driving at more than 100... knowing the risk to their life is more as compared to 4 - wheelers ...

Does such incidences occur in ignorance or thrill (of god knows what ?)
Who is responsible and who bears the pain ?
When will learn out responsibilities ?
When will learn the unwritten rule of the road . . .
Is it when something will occur to us or our dear ones ...
I think its always wiser to learn from mistakes of others ...

The car and The First scratch ...

Car , a new Car , one of the first dreams that go towards fulfilment ..
once you enter the job life ...
For yourself or family ... it doesnt matter ...
After 4 months of speculations .. moments of arrival to moments of distance ..
the final decision to buy had to be my father's ...
Finally, thanks to sister and mother for helping come to conclusion,
We buy a i10 Magna on my B'day ... 05 June 2009 .

Now, was the task of teaching my father and sister how to drive...
The task is in progress... and will be in progress... till god knows when .. :)

Anyways, that was the story of car , but then the first fear of a buyer of new car ..
THE FIRST SCAR on the shining and glitering face of car ...
It has to happen sooner or later ... if you live in a city like delhi, noida or bangalore ....
Or .. as it happened in a city like karnal ..

When i went for getting no. written on no. plate .. the road was too thin ..
full of bikes ... as it was a car/bike market ...
i look for a shop and looking at the scene ahead .. regretting that i entered the street.
Soon there was jam and sharp bike horns and shouting people ... "Iss gali mein log car kyun le aatein hein ... " Even I was wondering the same ... :)
Deciding there was no way back . i decided to move ahead and there was a "sabzi wala thela" on way way .. with the seller .. sayin 'le aao bhaiya .. gaadi nikal jaayegi' .. believing on his verdict .. i give little speed .. and bang .. bang .. the little scrach on the back door ...
wat could be done ...
The car was no more a new ... it had a little first scar on its body ...
Shining like the car .. reminding .. as it always will of this incident ...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meeting after so long ...

Today is 7th May ...
Date needs mention .. as today ... is the election day ... in delhi ,Haryana and U.P. ...
so we had this adjusted holiday ...
means I was free for the day to enjoy ...
Thinking it wud be a boring day full of time pass work ...
But , as it happens an old friend calls and huha ... we are meeting ...
Exciting , it wud be I thought ...
WE meet , talk, discuss ,,, things ranging from nowhere to .... hmm ... nowhere ... :)
Its always facinating to see the way lives change and take its own path ...
Even for people who start together ... life takes different turns ...
only God knows where are we headed ...
anyways, it was great fun ... funny acts ...

The First One ...

After so long the trend started ,
I also finally decided to start one for myself ...
lets see how this turns out to be ...
seems exciting .... :)
keeping fingers crossed and going on , on and on ...