Saturday, September 26, 2009

The most cherished Gift ...

This is one was long pending ...

few months back , someone asked me what could be considered as the most cherished gift of god or whats the most important part of human life ..
I thought for a while , and my answer was memories and emotions.

Truely enough when I thought more about it the more convinced I was.

Our everyday activities are goverened by what we have learnt in our past life. When we feel good about something , its coz its related to some good incident of out life , some times we just laugh remembering our college/school life ...

Our attachment with our loved ones, the feelings of love and hate , our knowledge , our feeling of satisfaction and regrets are all governed by memories , memories of all the times we have lived , they make string impact on our day to day life.

Just imagining , that if we loose even some part of our memories that we cherish will make life more and more meaning less ...

It also means that if we can manipulate our memories, remembering only the good times and forgetting the painful ones , lefe would seem lot different.

The next on line was emotions , everybody has them , some for family , some for work , some for something else. Everybody feels strongly about something or the other which make them do anything for that thing. Loosing that thing makes us as if the sole purpose of life is over ...